插畫 | 台北首映
Brad Bernstein / 2012 / US / 98 min / English and French / Chinese subtitles
湯米·溫格爾曾被安徒生大獎評審團盛讚「兒童繪本創作世界的大巨人」, 作品充滿黑色幽默,擅長以尖銳諷刺的觀點和幽默詼諧的語言,提出對人性、教育、政治、社會現象各種看法。他的風格大膽、鮮豔、創新、叛逆又獨特,在他的繪本中,常隱藏血腥的情節來增加張力,這使他備受爭議,但在透過他獨特的觀察角度看世悲,往往又令你重新思考然後會心一笑。
★ New York Times Critic’s Pick
★ Best Documentary, Nashville Film Festival; Audience Award, Warsaw Film Festival
Tomi Ungerer is an artist who created some of the worlds best known children^s books in the 1960s and 1970s, but his erotic art eventually got him banned from New York^s publishing industry. He was far out, eccentric, uninhibited and, as fellow illustrator Maurice Sendak claims, “No one, I dare say, no one was as original.” In all, Ungerer authored 140 childrens books, and has received France^s highest award for culture, the Legion d’Honneur, as well as the Hans Christian Andersen Award for illustration. He also designed the original poster for Stanley Kubrik^s film, Dr. Strangelove and numerous political posters against the Vietnam War. This documentary, including first ever animations of much of Tomi^s work, is the story of his groundbreaking art and his rollercoaster life. In children^s books, advertising, sculpture and even architectural design, he was a superstar, but he also burned bridges and stirred controversy. Now Tomi, with a devilish grin, gets to tell this story in his own words.
播放時間 | Screening Times: 10/1 (二/Tue) 19:00, 10/5 (六/Sat) 19:00
購票 | Advance Tickets: http://tickets.books.com.tw/progshow/01040001031891
放映地點| Place: 台北花博公園爭艷館設計廣場區 Flora Expo Park
影展票價| Tickets: $200 / 預售$170
售票系統| Online: 博客來售票網
歡迎上歐協網站了解歐協語文中心相關課程: http://www.ciel.com.tw/ 小班制教學/每小時60分整/法語*西語*德語*俄語*阿拉伯語教學